I love checking out new diaper companies!!! There are so many around and they're all different which is awesome!
I received an embroidered diaper from Rumpkinz. She sent along a Great Cloth Diaper Change diaper.
Although we didn't go to the change, I put Emerson in this diaper that day!
Smallest Setting
Adorable, Right?
Small Setting
Medium Setting
Largest Setting
It's a pocket diaper, but has a hemp insert, so it can easily be an AI2, just by laying the insert in!
Wide pocket opening and the inside is organic bamboo velour, it's super soft!
Her logo
So cute!!! He wore it on the smallest setting here at about 12 pounds, but now he's on the second setting
Great, tight fit
So cute!!!
How adorable!
I love this diaper!!!! It is thick, it's PUL and then minky so it's fairly thick and a little bulky, but it's so adorable that it's worth it! We've never had to size up in pants for ANY of our diapers, so I don't think it's THAT bulky!!
I love the embroidery, it looks AMAZING on this diaper. I love the sage/mint green color and it's just so cute. LOVE the insert it comes with too. It's great stuffed in the pocket, but is also amazing just laid in as well.
Very absorbent. The insert doesn't look that big, but it's super absorbent!! Everything washes nicely and comes clean easily. I love the hemp insert because it doesn't collect stinkies like microfiber does so we don't have to worry about that!
This diaper is really well made. The stitching is great on it and it just looks amazing!
She also has fitteds, Changing Pads, unpaper towels, embroidered t-shirts, and wet bags!
Price: Her OS diapers with an insert are $21 shipped! This is a pretty good deal! Embroidered are $28 shipped. Also a great deal
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Rumpkinz in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Rumpkinz for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway

Kenner said...
Is it just me, or is anyone else not seeing a link to the giveaway form?
Unknown said...
The link is not working for me either.
Shaky Mommy said...
I can't see the Rafflecopter form either.
HCeallaigh said...
does not seem to work for me either! too bad it looks so cute nad love the hemp insert! want ot try it!
Aline Grigorian said...
I'm not seeing the Rafflecopter either.
Maria said...
Been trying all day so I can add it to my roundup but I still don't see it!
CAJUNMAN12 said...
I like the smurfs
Heather S said...
It's WORKING NOW!! Sorry guys!!!
Amy V said...
i love the elmo diaper!
annae07 at aol dot com
Anonymous said...
I love the elmo and oscar diapers!
Kirstie said...
She has soooo many! It was hard to pick just one, but since I had to I like the one with Jack Skellington's face the most!
Kristi said...
I like the animals.
Deltaflute said...
love love the hungry caterpillar. It's my oldest's favorite story.
Beth R said...
I love the star wars one that say the force is strong with this one
beth.rees333 at gmail dot com
kzoo said...
i like the OS pocket diaper (visa galaxy)
Jessica said...
Ok these are seriously the cutest diapers I've ever seen. My favorites are The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Angry Birds and Care Bears, but I love them all!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Keara B. said...
I just love the one that says "The force is strong with this one". My husband would love it too!
Tamara said...
I ABSOLUTELY love the very hungry caterpillar diaper, I would do almost anything for it ;)
wazzuroo at gmail dot com
Krystyl said...
i love https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=362698743790671&set=a.362696820457530.81301.163016213758926&type=3&theater
jennifer NL said...
my favorite definitely is the "may the foreskin be with you" diaper
so awesome!
Charlotte said...
I LOVE the Very Hungry Caterpillar custom diaper!!!!
Bridgett said...
Love the Elmo diaper
Rachael K. said...
I like the hungry Caterpillar one
Unknown said...
My favorite is the diaper with the Union Jack.
Sabrina B Radke said...
I like the animals in the sold make me an offer album!
sabrina radke
sradke1024 at gmail dot com
Felicia R said...
I LOVE the very hungry caterpillar diaper she has posted under customs!
Melissa said...
I love the Cookie Monster diaper!
huntermb3 at gmail dot com
Michelle and Lakeon said...
Krystal said...
Love the hungry caterpillar diaper!!!
Lilac said...
I love the Lorax diaper. HOW FLIPPIN' CUTE!!!
ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com
coleycoupons said...
love elmo and the hungry caterpillar
Kris said...
hello kitty, care bears, cookie monster, kermit, pacman ghosts... i like a lot!
Brandi Elam said...
I love the Very Hungry Caterpillar diaper.
Mayla Moore said...
I like the minion one.
Dawn said...
I like the ruffle butt diapers, and the garfield dipe is cute too!
Mommy said...
Cookie monster is adorable
Mommy said...
I like cookie monster
Julie said...
The "My Daddy Rocks" diaper is so appropriate for my IT husband!! hehe
Denise Taylor said...
Love the "Don't you wish your monkey was fun like me" diaper, too cute!!
Christine Lopes said...
the very hungry catepiller one is very cute
Sarah H said...
I like the giraffe one! So cute! All of the diapers are so awesome! roxi_furrit(at)hotmail dot com
Barker's Momma said...
I love the Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom, the Hungry Caterpillar & Elmo.
ziggy28028 at yahoo dot com
Becky said...
I love the star wars one that say the force is strong with this one. or anything customized would be great!
Amy M said...
I love the Cookie Monster diaper!
Anne N. said...
I like the pink Monkey.
Aline Grigorian said...
The Hungry Caterpillar one is cute.
Trying to go green said...
I love the hello kitty and the great cloth diaper change ones
Allison said...
i love the star wars diaper!
Wise Owl Designs said...
Oh my gosh these are adorable. Now I must have some of these! I love the star wars one and the minion one too.
Rafflecopter Liz W
wiseowldesignsinc at gmail dot com
hhkaufman78 said...
I like the Cookie Monster diaper
eg kaufman
dailymom said...
There are so many super cute designs it is hard to choose just one, but one of my top faves is Kermit
Sandy VanHoey said...
Love the spongebob diaper
Gladys Parker said...
Spongebob too cute my soon to be DIL loves spongebob
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
Shannon said...
I changed my mind on my favorite a dozen times! I love the MN Wild diaper and the MN Twins diaper, but my favorite has to be the Welcome home daddy, your princess missed you diaper. John works on the road, and is only home every few weeks.
Christina said...
the Very Hungry Caterpillar diaper
cmcosman at yahoo dot com
Satisfied C said...
Oscar the Grouch is my favorite, but what a hard choice!
Klemm Family said...
love the cookie monster one!
skklemm at gmail dot com
Christine said...
I love the minion diaper!!!!!!
Nikki said...
I love the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom diaper! ngiraldi a t gmail dot com
morganehman said...
I like the star wars one
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
elmo diaper
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Rusty said...
My favorite is the blue and white clouds. rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com
Beth said...
I saw Panda fabric. I would love a panda diaper.
Anonymous said...
Love the great diaper change diaper
Talia said...
Ahh! The Very Hungry Caterpillar diaper is adorable!
Lizzwisniewski said...
I love the brewers diaper
nica said...
I love the Elmo and Cookie Monster diapers! Too cute!
Kim said...
yikes to many to choose, I love them, something girly with 5 daughters, maybe carebears
Unknown said...
It is SO difficult to pick just one...my favourites are the Minion, Kermit, and Mike from Monsters Inc.
Eile said...
They are all very cute. But the Very Hungry Caterpillar has won my heart.
Stacey T said...
Kermit is my favorite
Justice Montgomery said...
I would have to say that the red angry birds diaper is my favorite!
Bonnie Cantrell said...
I like the "The Force Is Strong with this one" diaper
CJ said...
My favorite is the Very Hungry Caterpillar diaper :)
Michelle D said...
I love the catipilar diaper :)
Meleakua said...
i can't decide if i love the very hungry caterpillar or the 'the force is strong with this one' diaper more!! very cute, & they look so nice & soft!!
Amanda B. said...
Wow, all of these diapers are so unique and CUTE! It is very hard to decide which one I like best!! I love the Oscar the Grouch diaper! And the Very Hungry Caterpillar too!!
j.Nursery said...
Awww ooga booga with embroidery!
Bonnye said...
I love the mario mushroom diaper! so so cute!
Jen-B said...
Love the hello kitty!
Unknown said...
I love the zebra with hot pink
Bekah Kuczenski
Kayla Dusseau said...
i really love the minion diaper! it is SUPER CUTE!!!
Kayla Dusseau said...
Minion diaper is my fave. it is super cute!
Katie Fender said...
I LOVE the breastfeeding for all, circumcision for none diaper!!
Danga Rach said...
Love the Minnie Mouse and so wish I would have seen it before it sold.
Unknown said...
The diaper that says "Warning Don't Touch, mommy bites" is hilarious!
Anonymous said...
i love the hungry caterpillar diaper on her facebook page! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Moody Mom said...
I love the #89 Jungle animals print!
Breanne said...
I like the mr. krabby pants diaper
Olivia said...
I NEED the Star Wars "The Force is strong with this one" diaper
Julie said...
I like Silly Daddy, Boobies are for Babies, or batman one!
Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...
I adore the Batman diaper! That is totally awesome!
lockwk17 said...
I like the cow.
Jenn said...
My Little Pony!
Jenn said...
My Little Pony!
Ashley said...
cman said...
The blue Silly Daddy diaper is cute!
Unknown said...
love the hungry caterpillar diaper!
mary said...
cookie monster!! I'm in love!
Kaitlin Hay said...
any of her dr suess dipes.
Unknown said...
The Hungry Caterpillar is adorable. But this one (GCDC) is my favorite and I MUST have it!
Katie said...
So cute!
Kristin said...
I'm loving the caterpillar!
Sharon said...
i love oscar the grouch and hungry caterpillar. so cute
Unknown said...
love the hungry caterpillar one
Paige said...
Oh my gosh i love the spongebob!
Anonymous said...
Definitely the very hungry caterpillar one
Amy Miller said...
I LOVE the Hogwarts diaper
Maggie said...
oh my gosh...there are so many!! I just don't know...
Katie Rose said...
I love the batman diaper!
Betty C said...
I like the very hungry caterpillar best.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
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