Mommy's Favorite Things: Lunette and Diva Cup Review & Giveaway Comparison *CLOSED*

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lunette and Diva Cup Review & Giveaway Comparison *CLOSED*

Normally I don't write comparison reviews or more than 1 review in the same post. But for this type of product I thought it would be best. I contacted both companies and they both gave me the okay to do so!

If you're squeamish (I will try and keep this PG-13) or a male, I suggest you stop reading now!!! 
I'll give you the chance by inserting a page break here... You're welcome!!
Now that we're past that!!

Lunette and Diva Cup both generously sent me a cup for review purposes! I already was using mama cloth, so this was the next step I wanted to try and I'm so glad I did!!
The Lunette

 I received the Selene, which is a really nice blue color!
And the Diva Cup

As you can see they both came with a bag that is used to storage and they both came with really detailed instructions. 
I got the size 2 in both of these since I have had children. The size 1 is meant for teenagers and those under 30 who haven't had children and the size 2 is meant for those who have had children OR over the age of 30!

I toyed with the idea of using a cup for a year practically. I was thinking of switching right when I found out I was pregnant with Emerson and then toyed with whether or not I would use one after he was born. I had one period after him and then realized it was time to switch! I got both of these right around the start of my 2nd postpartum period. 

They are both different, but both have a lot of the same qualities as well. They are both just about the same size. Both cups hold 1.0 fl oz! The diva cup is a little bit longer in the body which works great if you have a longer canal and your cervix is higher. The stem is shorter on the Diva Cup than it is on the Lunette however. 

My first cycle using these cups I definitely preferred the Lunette, the stem was easier to grab for me since it was flat as opposed to the Diva Cup which has a round stem. Plus the stem is longer on the Lunette so it was easier. 
The Lunette cup is a bit shorter so if you have a higher cervix it may be harder to reach, although the longer stem makes it easier. 

I have no problem with either cup. They are both easy to get in and get out. They both hold what I need them too and they never leak. 
I did have the Lunette leak one night when I used it, when I removed it, it wasn't full. I think the problem was I put it in RIGHT before going to bed, so my body wasn't able to pull it into position. 

When you put in the cup it is a bit uncomfortable at first. It is sitting low and your body needs to let it settle into position. After about 10 minutes or so this feeling goes away and all is well. So I recommend putting it in 10-15 minutes before going to bed to let it settle and prevent leaks. 

Neither stem pokes me, I haven't had to trim either one, although if you need to you can do so with both cups. The stem is trimmable, but don't trim too short or you can't get it out! 

I like to use the push down fold.

It makes it easier to put in. 
Make sure you hold the fold until it's well inside you, if you release too early it is VERY uncomfortable... It will shock you and make you jump :) That's your warning!!! 

I love both cups, This period, I preferred the Diva Cup. I still think the Lunette's stem is easier to grab, but I've had luck with the Diva this go around. 

Just a couple of things... You do not bleed as much as you think you do. TRUST ME!! Before Emerson my period was very light. I would use a regular tampon and change it every 4-6 hours. On my heaviest day a super and change every 4-6 hours. 
After him my period was heavier. Not extremely, but that first period I used a super plus tampon and changed every 3 hours or so. 
With this cup, I still like to change it every 6-8 hours, but I go 12 at night and the fullest it's ever been was half full after 12 hours, that's .5oz HALF AN OUNCE! They say your entire period is about 1.5oz which is probably accurate! Usually after 6 hours there's probably .2oz in there. Not much at all. 

Also I bled for 5 days before. Lately I've been spotting for 2 days, then bleeding for 3 and then spotting for one more. So it's been lasting 6 days, but 3 are spotting, just enough for a liner, not the cup. So it's been wonderful! 

Commercial products have so many chemicals in them and they make you bleed heavier and longer, thus making you buy more of their product. 

The cup is really wonderful!!! And it's good for YEARS AND YEARS!!
After you're done with your period, you just boil the cup for a few minutes to disinfect it. 

It's also cleaner than a tampon! It's not nearly as messy. The only time my hand comes in contact with 'stuff' is when I go to rinse and wash it out. I rinse it really good before introducing my finger though. It's cleaner than a tampon that's for sure! Plus there's no stink like with tampons and pads!! And it's not drying like a tampon either, so you don't get that uncomfortable feeling when pulling out!

To get the cup out you just bear down and push a little until you can grab the stem. Then push a little more as you slowly pull it out. When you can reach the base of the cup STOP PUSHING, squeeze it to break the suction and pull out the rest of the way!! It's really easy. 
In a public bathroom, pull it out dump it in the toilet, wipe it out with toilet paper and put it back in until you get home and can clean it!
Super easy!

The Lunette comes in 4 colors and is $39.99. The Diva Cup is $39.99 as well!
The Diva Cup can be purchased on Pink Lemonade Shop's website
The Lunette can be purchased right on their Website

Overall: *****

*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Lunette in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Lunette for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Diva Cup in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Diva Cup for allowing me to review this product and for offering a giveaway


Allison said...

i definitely want to use a cup, but havent had a chance, i was about to buy one and then found out we're preggo with #2! :)

Klemm Family said...

I've never used one, but definitely want to! I'm using up my current stash of feminine products, then I'll switch!
skklemm at gmail dot com

YennySweeps said...

I used to use the disposable Instead cups when they first came out, but then they got to expensive. I would love to try the Diva cup; I've heard great things about them.

Shanni said...

I've only used the Soft Cup; but, I want to use the Diva Cup! I've never heard of Lunette before today.

I made the switch to cups this month because my cousin-in-law lost her SIL to TTS. She didn't get it from a tampon; but, since I know they have been associated with it, I was scared straight! No more tampons for me!

Jenny McClamroch said...

I would love to try both of these cups! I use to use tampons, but now that I cloth diaper I would prefer a cup!

Unknown said...

i have not used one yet but i super want to especially after reading the post about the moldy tampon!!! EWWWW!!! makes me wonder...

Iris Maeda said...

I would love to try an alternative that would leave less waste in our environment.javascript:void(0)

Kendall said...

I haven't used a cup before, but I have been thinking about it ever since I got the return of my period after 8 months after having my son.

Kendall said...

Oh and I want to so that I can avoid all of the chemicals in mainstream products. :)

Linda said...

I'd like to try it since it's safer and much cheaper in the long run!

Kris said...

i havent tried one yet. i think it would be more sanitary than most other menstrual items, and i hate (and am allergic to) disposable products

adf said...

No I havent. I think it would be so much cleaner and better for the enviroment

Allyson Bossie said...

I have been using Instead disposable cups for a year, but the mouth is WAY wider, and I don't find them effective. I have no issue getting them in properly but where they are so big I have trouble with leaking. I would love to try one of the smaller cups that will fit in much better.

Julie G. said...

I have but i would like to try some different ones... I also think it would be nice to have an extra

Unknown said...

I have never used one but would love to as I've become allergic to tampons

Lilac said...

I've tried the Diva Cup a couple of times, but haven't been able to get it to sit comfortably. Of course, it doesn't help to have a toddler hanging all over me while I'm trying to figure it out!

ayakers (at) gmail (dot) com

Amy M said...

I haven't, but I'd like to. I'm trying to eliminate disposable products in my life.

Kristi said...

I use a Diva cup and love it! I do get some leaks so I would love to try another cup and see if it fits better.

Shannon said...

I haven't tried one yet but think I may like to when the time comes.

charychild said...

I have a Diva cup stored somewhere... I bought it about a year before I got pregnant with my first child. Definitely need a differently sized one for whenever my cycle starts back up again!

Amanda said...

I just tried one for the first time and I love it! no more leaking and no more buying tampons!

Katie said...

I haev never used one but want to try one after reading this

Christine said...

I *REALLY* want to try a cup! I haven't had AF since may 2010, but when it comes back, I am going to try a cup and for liners I'm trying cloth (I use cloth on my 16 month old!)

KatieO said...

We've been using Softcups (a disposable cup) for TTC and they are surprisingly comfortable. I would love to try a reusable option for my period.

Charlotte said...

Not used one yet, but it seems like such a great idea.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

no but think my daughter would use it
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Lean said...

I have never but would use one to be more environmentally friendly as well as to keep chemicals from my body. LeanS12(at)gmail(dot)com

April G said...

I've never used one but have heard wonderful things from a friend who made the switch!

Jenelle M said...

I've been wanting to try one but don't have the money right now.

Attila & Tamara said...

I've never used one, either, but I have been thinking about it for a long time!

Ashley W. said...

They seem so much more convenient, and eco-friendly, than tampons.

Katie S said...

Actually, I have tried a cup, but I think I may have purchased the wrong size. It was a little difficult for me to use comfortably. I'd love to have another so that I can try both sizes and get a good fit without having to buy twice :( I love the idea of never buying products again and not having to worry about Toxic Shock Syndrome.

.:karen:. said...

I love my diva cup however I've had it for years now and I'd like a new one. I'd also like to try the Lunette and see how that works. I love being able to wear the cup for longer periods of time as well as be able to use it when I'm expecting my period so I'm prepared and not have to worry about TSS. Thanks!

jennifer NL said...

i have not yet used a cup, but i would like to because i am sick of wasting money on disposable menstrual products!

Barker's Momma said...

I use the Meluna cup but have been wanting to try the Diva Cup. So much more healthier for you. I'll never go back to disposables....ever.

ziggy28028 at yahoo dot com

Momma Told Me said...

No, but I know about the chemicals in tampons and would like to try.

C.P. said...

I've never used a cup before but have been thinking about trying one for a very long time now. Because they are so different and I don't know anyone else who uses them I've been a bit timid to just go out and take the plunge! I'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle for both myself & the environment and that is my main reason for switching. After doing more research on tampons and what goes into them it scares me!

Melanie said...

I've never used a cup but really want to; it's great for the budget and the planet, and my flow has increased a lot since baby was born so it would be nice to not have to go through a zillion tampons every month.

Talia said...

I've never used a cup before. After seeing that picture of the moldy tampon, I've been looking for a more green solution.

nica said...

never tried a cup, but I've been wanting to give them a shot!

coleycoupons said...

i dont currently use either but am planning to switch after no 2 arrives... i am switching bc i have heard somany awful stories abotu tampons..

Bonnye said...

I have never used one- but I am interested.

Krystal said...

I've never tried a cup, but I'd like to! I'd love to get rid of the box of tampons under my bathroom sink...and they are so expensive!

Nicky K-B said...

I've never used one, but I've always wanted to try one since they seem so simple and better than tampons!

Texas Momma said...

I like the idea of never having to buy disposable products with all their chemicals again!

Maria said...

To save money.

Unknown said...

I've never used a cup but I would love to try it to save money and reduce my trash load.

Kaylee Vise said...

I used to use Instead for a little while, but they just didn't work for me. I've been wanting to try a reusable one for a long time.

Dana K said...

Never tried one, but really want to save money and be better for me and the environment.

Jennifer said...

I've never used one, but have used mama cloth.

Unknown said...

Never used a cup but I am tired of tampons

kport207 at gmail dot com

Kayla Dusseau said...

i have never used one. but i'm really wanting to try it out!

Ali P said...

I want to switch to using cups because I want a healthier period but mama cloth is awful for me. I haven't used pads since my first period and I hate the feeling. I want a reusable option that doesn't require mama cloth and this is it!

Kristin said...

I'm still on the fence about this. I recently purchased some cloth pads and have transitioned to using o.b. tampons to reduce my plastic intake...but I don't want to spend the money if I end up hating cups!

kelly said...

I've never used one, but I don't like tampons and this is a good alternative.

Suzie Williams said...

I used the Diva Cup many years ago. After my son was born I went back to using pads since I lost it. I'd love to go back to using one again.

toughturtles said...

never used one

Unknown said...

i never used one but i like that they can stay in for 12 hours and i don't like pads much and tampons hurt me and I seem to be senitive to pads and tampons

Brandi Elam said...

I have never used one, but I would like to. I'm trying to "green" our lives more.

Jules Jessica said...

I use them currently and find it to be a nice bill saver each month!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I've been curious to try a cup since I first discovered this was even an option. My dh an I have been ttc for two years in which I have done tons of research on CDing (I had made my mind up to CD waaay before we started ttc) and through my research I learned all about mama cloth which lead to my learning about cups almost a year ago. I've used tampons for most of my menstrual life because I absolutely hated the feeling of disposable pads and the smell was just awful even though tampons tended to dry me out so much. I basically stuck with the best of two evils. Anyway, it didn't take long for me to be convinced a cup would be the best alternativ for me (especially after seeing a video on YouTube of a tampon left in water and all the particles floating around...) BUT since we have been ttc and I'm turning 27 next month and the fact that cups aren't cheap I have not purchased on yet. So at first I just used up the tampons i had left an switched to the icky disposable pads but after a few cycles (I have very long irregular cycles) I just can't take the sposies anymore. I purchased some mama cloth which I hope will be less icky in the meantime. Hopefully we get preggers soon (this would be our first :) ) so when I make the cup purchase I'll know what size to get! Or maybe I'll win it here ;)

Becks said...

I have never used one, but I've heard of them. Because of the price I don't know if I would ever buy one, so I really hope that I can win it!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I've never tried one, but I want to know what all the hype is about!!

ClayVenture said...

Never used one... but I don't care for tampons and want to see if this is better!

Unknown said...

I currently use a Diva Cup and LOVE it! Although as far as fit goes, I've heard that the moon cup has a shorter, more manageable handle so I'd love to try it!

Anonymous said...

i have never used a cup but would like to because then i can sleep more than 8 hours at night!

Beth R said...

I have never used a cup, but would love to try it. My sister uses the diva cup and loves it. So much better for your body!

Anonymous said...

no, my wife used one and wants this

Devon F said...

I have never used one but would love to try it!

Candice said...

I never have used one, but definitely need one. We just moved to a house with plumbing that you can't flush tampons down. Found that out after a really embarrassing visit from three male plumbers. I am really don't like having used "products" in a trash bag in my bathroom.
Thank you for the chance to win!
candicesweeps at yahoo dot com

Mayla Moore said...

I haven't, but I want to. It would be much healthier for me and the environment.

The Secret Life of a SAHM said...

I haven't tried it yet. I want to because tampons are painful and disposable pads give me chemical burns.

VictoriaE said...

I've always thought about it, but haven't yet tried. My drive is based on environmental impact primarily.

Unknown said...

i've never used a cup before, but i have been interested in trying one. i like saving money and this seems like a good option

Unknown said...

yes, ive used the diva one and it doesnt like me. i think it is too long. didnt know other companies made them!

dani marie


Ranu Tanu said...

No, but I sure want to try!

ranutanu121110 at gmail dot com

Jade Rahl said...

never have but it looks interesting and more earth friendly with is always a plus!

Anonymous said...

I have used one and I love it - but I lost it when I got pregnant :( Now that Ive gotten my period back, Im sad!

h. mcnaron said...

I have never used one but want to because I feel so bad about wasting all the materials in disposable tampons and pads each month.

A marie hj saver

hmcnaron at gmail dotcom

Anonymous said...

about to try a disposable one with my next one

Gala said...

I've never used one, but definitely want to!I belive it's better for me and the planet

jennyleigh5309 said...

i've never tried a cup before, but i have several friends who use them and love them; so i'm dying to try. i feel so wasteful using tampon after tampon every month.

Unknown said...

I've never used one before, but would love to give it a try. I have heard very positive things about them.

susan g said...

I haven't used one yet but really want to try it out. I'd love to cut down on the cost and waste of the disposable hygiene products I use!

Rachel M. said...

I haven't used one before but i think it would be cool to try something new.

lace said...

I've used a cup but I need a new one. They are so much better than conventional products

Lacosta Lykowski said...

I use a Diva cup and love how easy it is. I will never drop a dime on tampoons again!

k. said...

I just got a cup and I will use it soon...but I'd love to try the Lunette cup.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try something that can be left in longer!

ReInventing Lolli said...

I currently use the diva and would love to try the Lunette because of the flat stem. I think it would be easier.

Mandy K said...

Yes and love it

stephanie mcalexander said...

I've been wanting to try this!!

Copper said...

I've never tried one of these (and hopefully won't need one for a little while, but would love to try one when I do!

thanks for the giveaway Heather!

erlisha steadman said...

Never used one but have been very curious and would love to try one.
(erlisha at live dot com)

Katie Fender said...

I have never used one, but would be interested in trying it.

Karla said...

I want a cup so I can save money!

wendy wallach said...

i have never used a cup but hate pads and tampons so i would like to give it a try

madamerkf at aol dot com

heather c. said...

I've never tried one, but I'm willing to, to save money + avoid some of the things in tampons/pads + decrease waste.

Kelly Skibbe said...

I have never used a cup but have been very curious about them. My period is heavier after my second and I am willing to try something new.

Anonymous said...
I have and love it

Unknown said...

Yes! I've used the Lunette and I LOVE it. I really didn't understand the fuss but I think once you try it you'll never go back.

Stacy Shadel said...

No but I've been thinking about it. Thanks for the honest review.

Shannon P said...

i haven't tried them but I'd like to to save money and contribute less waste

Betty Jackson said...

I have a lunette and LOVE it! If I won this giveaway I would give them away to my sister and a friend!

kelley c said...

I've always wanted to try a cup because, TMI, I have heavier periods and this seems like a nice solution!

kelleyc76 at live dot com

Brittney Minor said...

I have never tried but I would love to see how they work! I love the idea of never wearing a pad again!

Unknown said...

No, but I would like to use one and be more enviromentally friendly.

Harriett said...

I have not worn one. I would love to try it. I am ready to leave the pads and tampons behind!

daveshir2005 said...

I have never used one but it seems like it would be comfortable and there is less waste.

fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski

Amanda said...

I am currently using a cup (neither of these 2 though). I'm not too fond of it - I can sometimes feel it and when it starts getting too full (I am a HEAVY bleeder - no 1.5 oz here...more like 3-4 oz!) it will start to slide down to where I can feel it too. I want to try both of these and see if it's just my body or the cup I am using. I don't want to shell out $40 a pop though if they aren't going to be any better than the one I use! :-)
tvpg at aol dot com

Paige said...

have not but want to try cause i have heavy periods and go through alot of pads

Chris said...

No I never have,would like to try since it seems like a greener alternative

Anonymous said...

I've never used one, but want to because I think it'll be a lot better for my body and it'll be way cheaper.

jade said...

To be honest, though, I don't think my experience with the large sized cup would have been much, menstrual cup usa