When you bring home a baby you most likely will want to have some Pacifiers on hand. They aren't always necessary and some babies don't like them (ahem, Avery) but it's good to have some in case you need them and your baby will take them.
I received a size medium Ortho Pacifier. They were out of smalls and the medium fits from 6-12 months. I also received a Fish Teether
I like that the pacifier is all one piece, so pieces won't come off easily. I love that it's made of a natural rubber!
The fish teether can be chilled and it's free of BPA, phthalates and any chemical softeners so it too is all natural. The water inside is purified and sterilized and it's free of any chemicals.
I think baby will like this pacifier. All of them we tried with Avery were plastic and just didn't fit the face nicely. This one is not plastic at all so there shouldn't be any irritation from it and it should fit the baby nicely. As long as it's used closer to 6 months. I think it's a bit too big for a newborn. The nipple is bigger. Although some might take it.
I like that even the water inside the teether is natural so if it breaks open it's safe for baby to consume.
This is to be chilled in the fridge, not freezer, but the fridge is cold enough!
I can't wait for baby to try these items and most likely he'll be using them both right around the same time!
Price: Teether is $11.75 and the Pacifier is $7.95. They have different sizes as well as different shapes like round and orthodontic.
Overall: ***** I LOVE all natural products for my children.
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Zoe B Organic in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Zoe B Organic for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

bored2quickly said...
I like the chill-it bpa-free teether by natursutten (apple)! Happy holidays! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
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Renee Walters
hhkaufman78 said...
I like the apple teether
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Melissa said...
I also like the apple chill-it bpa-free teether!
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loven mommy said...
non of my babes have taken paci's but i do love that they are natural rubber. i would definetly love to try the apple or fish teether. my little guy is teething and so cranky.
dthornework @ live dot com
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eek031880@hotmail.com said...
I like the chill-it bpa-free teether by natursutten (apple).
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Amanda said...
I'd like to try the Apple Teether.
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Erica C. said...
The sleepy hat is cute too!
Melissa said...
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jennem said...
I like the Apple teether.
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Anne N. said...
I like to try the chill-it BPA-free teether by natursutten (fish), calgrl76 at hotmail
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Allison said...
i like the apple shaped teether
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Hoa said...
I would like to try the zoë b sleepy hat.
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Brandy C said...
I like the Sleepy Hat!
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hhkaufman78 said...
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hhkaufman78 said...
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Jenny said...
I like the butterfly orthodontic pacifier.
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Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
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4Stephie said...
I like the apple teether
Anne N. said...
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Anonymous said...
I would like the chill-it bpa-free teether by natursutten (apple)
lovefreestuff17 at gmail dot com
Farm Mommy 3 said...
I also love the zoë b sleepy hat. It is the cutest thing!!!
Syndel Valle
Farm_Mommy3@ yahoo dot com
Jennifer C. said...
I love the sleepy hat!
jennifercausby at hotmail dot com
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Breanne said...
I like the chill-it BPA-free teether by natursutten (apple)
bmweida at yahoo dot com
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Mama Chocolate said...
I would like the butterfly orthodontic pacifier.
jccchocolate at gmail dot com
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