That is the truth. Have any of you seen what an OLD carrier looks like? Well I can't find the picture now, but pretty much a major death trap! There was no support at all besides one strap behind baby's back and it was a hip carrier. The thing was ugly and didn't look like it would hold a baby in place! Especially not a squishy newborn.
Earthslings will though. They make Slings which are great for a newborn because you can lie them in and they're fully supported.
I received the Stretch Drill carrier, I believe in the olive.
Sizing was a bit difficult at first. She's an Australian company so it was tough and I had to convert the sizes. I'm a US 4 so about an AU 8... So I said Small, but she said unless I have a narrow rib cage and shoulders and small breasts she would recommend a medium.
So I went with Medium. As long as I did the Shoulder Flip (makes it just a bit smaller) it fit with Avery's doll. But as baby gets bigger I can unflip it and it should fit for a long time! So I was glad she recommended the Medium and that I went with it. It fits great.
The drill is almost like a denim material. It's thick, but not overly so. It's easy enough to put on. There's no wrapping involved so it's quick and easy for a fussy baby. And it would be super easy to nurse in as well.
She also has wraps and ring slings as well.
Price: The Stretch Dill Sling is $60AUD So this is $57USD, which is reasonable!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Earthslings in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Earthslings for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

maria g said...
I like the stretch drill in Magenta SD... very pretty color and good-looking sling. I've been trying to find the right sling for me for some time now.
hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
maria g said...
I follow on gfc - maria g
hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
ninamcclain93 said...
I would get the indigo sling!
Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...
Rainbow FF
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Dana said...
I like strecth drill in natural danaahudson at
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Maria said...
I like the natural or tibetan red SD!
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Anonymous said...
I would choose the Apple FF sling.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
bored2quickly said...
I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this for my son! I really like the crimson flannelette sling. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
Amy G said...
I would choose the stretch drill in olive!
mamagatzemeyer at gmail dot com
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Jessica said...
I would choose the Stretch Drill in Deep Purple
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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coleycoupons said...
i think i would like a med black stretch drill
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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Hotsnotty2 said...
I would love the Hemp/Organic Cotton Blend sling
Hotsnotty2 said...
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Anonymous said...
If I won then I would most likely pick the Apple FF for my son due at the end of this month!
kristi.blackstone at yahoo dot com
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hhkaufman78 said...
I would get the cornflower Flannelette
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
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Jessica said...
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Erica C. said...
I like the Dill you received and the 100% Cotton Blue/Green Stripe.
Suzie Williams said...
I would choose the stretch drill in black.
Suziebee20 at yahoo
Jess said...
I would choose the stretch drill.
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
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ReInventing Lolli said...
I would choose the Stretch Drill in Black. reinventinglolliatgmaildotcom
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Melissa said...
I love the Tibetan Red!
melissahuie at gmail dot com
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jennem said...
I'd get the Olive SD
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
I would probably choose Apple-Funky Flannel Sling or Wine-Stretch Drill.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said...
I like the black stretch drill
Anonymous said...
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Kelsey Apley said...
natural or tibetan red SD
kelseylouiseapley {at} gmail {dot} com
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kelseylouiseapley {at} gmail {dot} com
Allison said...
i like the stretch drill in wine or magenta
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
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skgaff said...
I would choose the wine color stretch drill
skgaff said...
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Sarah Hull said...
I would love the Stretch Drill in Natural or Black!
SHull2319 at gmail dot com
S said...
We like the Apple FF Sling. -Sharon M
Costumer83 at hotmail dot com
S said...
I follow you via GFC as costumer83 -Sharon M
Costumer83 at hotmail dot com
Kristi said...
I like the stretch drill in olive.
harrisk3 at mymail dot shawnee dot edu
ticklemetiffy said...
I am loving the deep purple in the stretch drill
ticklemetiffyyyy @yahoo dot com
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Jenny said...
Flannelette Chambray Earthsling
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Jessica said...
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Kathy P said...
id choose the Rainbow FF
Kathy P said...
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ReInventing Lolli said...
I tweeted 10/8:!/reinventlolli/status/122713807347920897
Amanda said...
I'd get the Scarlet Stretch Drill.
tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
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Kaitlynn said...
I like the stretch drill in black!
kaitlynn.carras @ gmail dot com
Kaitlynn said...
I'm a GFC follower - Kaitlynn Stout
kaitlynn.carras @ gmail dot com
Breanne said...
I'd pick Stretch Drill in Magenta
bmweida at yahoo dot com
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bmweida at yahoo dot com
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bmweida at yahoo dot com
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bmweida at yahoo dot com
Chappy - George Chaplin said...
the indgo sling!!! winchappy @
Jennifer T. said...
I'd like the Funky Flannel in Chambray.
Jennifer T. said...
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trixx said...
I'd love the black stretch drill; black is slimming and matches everything! :D
trixx said...
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Erica G said...
I would choose the Stretch Drill in Natural.
cinderwhims at gmail dot com
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cinderwhims at gmail dot com
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user: Acire Acerg
cinderwhims at gmail dot com
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user: notenthused
cinderwhims at gmail dot com
Tylerpants said...
I'd like the Funky Flannel Sling in Navy! tylerpants(at)
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Lori's Place said...!/loriagalbraith/status/123084798884454400
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