Cloth diapers are something that I think every parent should try out at one time or another. They are so much easier then everyone always thinks, they aren't ridiculously expensive and they are better for the environment.
SNUGGbaby is no exception. The diapers they make here are great.
Looks great
Inside. It has a nice wide back pocket opening.
Inserts, One Microfiber and One Hemp
Smallest Setting
Smallest Setting with both inserts in. It's nice and trim.
Same thing. Smallest setting with both inserts in. It is super trim.
I love how trim this diaper is. It's thinner throughout the crotch area too which is great for accomodating a smaller baby. I love the brown color with the coordinating copper snaps. It looks real sleek.
The inserts seem like they would be super absorbent. The hemp is a nice thickness, but not too thick.
I have put both inserts and the diaper through the wash and so far so good. I haven't full prepped it yet (5 hot washes and dries) but I have given it all one wash and it's held up great.
Inside is a stay dry wicking fabric, which is different than most I've seen.
And this diaper dries SUPER fast!! It's been great so far.
Just over 3 more months until I have a babe that can wear it! So excited I'm getting so close.
SNUGG also has baby carriers too.
Price: The Diaper is $15.09 USD which is awesome. And the more you buy the bigger the discount. Let's say you buy 3. They're just $14.25 each!
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from SNUGGbaby in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to SNUGGbaby for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 445 Newer› Newest»Hannah said...
I would pick a SNUGG in the spiceberry color with a hemp insert.
altosax16 at gmail dot com
Hannah said...
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altosax16 at gmail dot com
Felicia R said...
I would choose the spiceberry color with a hemp insert!
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Melissa said...
I love the Spiceberry color! I'd also choose the hemp insert. Thanks for the chance!
melissahuie at gmail dot com
Melissa said...
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Amanda said...
I'd like the Spiceberry.
tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
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tvpg at aol dot com
BTW for the blogging entry, you forgot to change the SmartKlean to Snuggbaby! Not like I have a blog to blog about it, but I thought you'd want to know! LOL
Amanda said...
tvpg at aol dot com
Dina Zakaria said...
i would choose barnabrown.
nurdina (at) masterskil (dot) edu (dot) my
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The Chambers' said...
I would choose the barnabrown.
Following you on facebook, GFC follower, added your button to my sidebar and liked SNUGGbaby on fb.
Melissa E. said...
I'm loving the Spiceberry! Such a pretty color!
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
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edz.mels at yahoo dot com
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edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Melissa E. said...
DT on 9/7:!/shmel424/status/111502252644106240
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
i love bamabrown like you had!!
coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
coleycoupons said...
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
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coleycoupons at yahoo dot com
AJ said...
I'd get the Barnabrown for my little guy.
angella13 at gmail dot com
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Julie G. said...
I would choose spiceberry if I won
schramm.j @ gmail dot com
Julie G. said...
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schramm.j @ gmail dot com
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schramm.j @ gmail dot com
Ashley R said...
I love the Baby Hue color!
Reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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Jessi Gonzalez said...
I would love a Spiceberry diaper!
Jessi Gonzalez said...
gfc follower~jdm2551
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follow you on fb~Jessica Gonzalez
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
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lovemyhnk AT yahoo DOT com
Katie S said...
I would love the SNUGG diaper in Spiceberry and I'd love to try the Hemp insert too. Thanks!
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Jessi Gonzalez said...
lovemyhnk at yahoo dot com
Katie S said...
I'm following your blog via GFC
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
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katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
I love the Spicberry diaper. SO PRETTY.
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Christine said...
i would pick spiceberry onesize
christinemitchell03 at gmail dot com
Unknown said...
GFC follower (as mummytocharis).
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Christine said...
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christine mitchell
christinemitchell03 at gmail dot com
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christine mitchell
christinemitchell03 at gmail dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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christinemitchell03 at gmail dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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christinemitchell03 at gmail dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
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mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Jenny said...
Definitely pink cloud.
jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Jenny said...
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jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
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jennykmoses at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
9/7 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/111602263855861760
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
I would choose the spiceberry color with a hemp insert.
ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Gina F. said...
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Misusedinnocence said...
I would love to try the spice berry with the hemp insert.
Misusedinnocence said...
I follow on gfc.
Gina F. said...
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
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ginaferrell3 at yahoo dot com
Sarah Hull said...
I would pick a SNUGG in the Barnabrown color.
SHull2319 at gmail dot com
Sarah Hull said...
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
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SHull2319 at gmail dot com
Attila & Tamara said...
I'd choose the Spiceberry! Gorgeous color. I'd also love a hemp insert.
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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ID: @szogediek
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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szogediek at yahoo dot com
Allison Downes said...
I would choose the Spiceberry SNUGG Cloth Diaper
Allison Downes said...
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Amy V said...
i'd choose barnabrown color w/ hemp insert
Amy V said...
email sub via feedburner
ashley said...
ashley said...
ashley said...
I would pick the os spicebaby dipe with a hemp insert.
Thank you.
andrewndash at yahoo dot com
ashley said...
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
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mommytotwo1423 - Twitter name
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
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andrewndash at yahoo dot com
Yesenia said...
Thanks for the giveaway. I would choose the spiceberry.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
Yesenia said...
Subscribe via feedburner.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
AJ said...!/WINitAJ/status/111821998438612992
angella13 at gmail dot com
Melissa E. said...
DT on 9/8:!/shmel424/status/111809953714548737
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
9/8 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/111860782056214528
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Madeline said...
Love the Baby Hue One Size Pocket Diaper.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Madeline said...
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
I would choose spiceberry with a hemp insert.
materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
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materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
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materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
I like snuggbaby on facebook
Sharon McLaughlin
materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
Dana said...
I like the spiceberry color with a hemp insert danaahudson@gmail dot com
Then Comes Baby K said...
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materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
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Briana said...
I love the Spicberry diaper. extremely cute!!!
ckba38 at yahoo dot com
Mrs. Welford said...
I would like the Spiceberry and hemp inserts.
gill dot welford at gmail dot com
Jess said...
I would like to win a Spiceberry. jsapalio at yahoo dot com
Jess said...
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S said...
We like barnabrown please. Costumer83 at hotmail dot com
Sissy said...
I would pick spiceberry! scrane @ videotron. ca
Sissy said...
I subscribe via feedburner. scrane @ videotron .ca
Anonymous said...
I like the spiceberry.
ldj.1999 @ yahoo dot com
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ldj.1999@ yahoo dot com
Unknown said...
9/9 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/112192940125859840
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
AJ said...!/WINitAJ/status/112195341528465408
Tammy said...
Love the Spiceberry color. I would pick that one with a hemp insert.
tamwallis at gmail dot com
Tammy said...
I follow via GFC!
tamwallis at gmail dot com
Tammy said...
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tamwallis at gmail dot com
yuukiimi said...
I'd get the diaper in cloud pink!
yuukiimi said...
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Fiddlin' Dandi said...
I'd choose the barnabrown color
Fiddlin' Dandi said...
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Nikki said...
I would choose the Barnabrown. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Nikki said...
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tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/112218501862793217 ngiraldi at gmail dot com
Melissa E. said...
DT on 9/9:!/shmel424/status/112159356547629057
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
caedmen said...
I would choose the barnabrown diaper
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
caedmen said...
following you via gfc under the name caedmen
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
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Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Marlee said...
i would pick a snugg in pink cloud medium
marleeterry at gmail dot com
carlapants said...
I like the pocket dipe in Spiceberry! stilljes @ gmail dot com
carlapants said...
Followed you on GFC
stilljes @ gmail dot com
TheDeanFamily said...
I would chose barnabrown!
Follw you on facebook & twitter!
kailidean @ yahoo dot com
TheDeanFamily said...
Just subscribed via feedburner
Unknown said...
9/10 Tweeted:!/mummytocharis/status/112516056580489216
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
caedmen said...
richardrachel at hotmail dot com
AJ said...!/WINitAJ/status/112555813964484608
angella13 at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
I would choose a baby hue color pocket diaper.
quietct at gmail dot com
Anonymous said...
Follow blog via GFC, m phaiah
quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
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quietct at gmail dot com
lulu said...
I would pick spiceberry, love the color.
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
lulu said...
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lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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lulio163 at hotmail dot com
Katie S said...
katiekstewart at gmail dot com
Jessica W said...
I would choose the baby Hue color
jolly_jess_6 at yahoo dot com
btw I love the spiceberry color too bad I don't have a girl!
Jessica W said...
GFC Follower Jollyjess6
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