Ain't that the truth!! haha
This is a wonderful company. They offer everything from Diapers, to wet bags, to baby carriers, to nursing clothes and more! I love a one stop shop!
Diaper Safari has it all! I was able to receive the new Planet Wise Sports Bag.
I chose the Peace on Earth.
It arrived within just a few days (4-5 I think) so it was super fast.
Outside small zipper
It has a pocket for wet things, the green pocket on top. And a pocket for dry items, the brown pocket on bottom.
It cinches up really tight too.
Although this bag is great for going swimming or to the gym, I also think it's really great for a quick outing with baby.
In the dry pocket you have a couple diapers, wipes, wallet, cell phone and keys (maybe change of clothes too). In the wet section is a used diaper.
Heck keys and phone can go in the little zipper compartment.
I think this is a very versatile bag and is great for anything you can imagine it for. I'm sure we'll be using it quite a bit when baby gets here.
But for now it would be great for going to a friend's house siwmming.
Wear our swimsuits there. Pack a change of clothes in either section really and then put our wet bathing suits in the wet section to come home in!! Best part is it's Machine Washable! So come home, dump your stuff in the washer and then throw in the whole bag!!
It's also great for the gym too.
They come in a ton of different colors.
It's 17" X 15" and the front zippered pocket is 9" X 8". So it's a generous size.
Price: This bag is $24.99 which I think is worth it.
Overall: ***** it's a great little bag with multiple uses.
*Disclaimer* I received an item directly from Diaper Safari in exchange for a review. I was not paid to try out these products*
A big thank you goes out to Diaper Safari for allowing me to review this product and offering a giveaway

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»Then Comes Baby K said...
My favorite items they sell are the one size diapers.
materialgirlgreen at gmail dot com
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mutchkin21 said...
I like the Bummis Training pant under potty training.
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Tammy said...
I think my favorite item is the Knickernappies Doorknob Diaper pail. I'm not sure if it's because the name makes me giggle, but I think it's cute!
tamwallis at gmail dot com
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Rebecca Williams said...
I like the Blueberry Daytime Trainers
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Colleen Maurina said...
I also like their BumGenius Cloth Diaper Sprayer.
colljerr at comcast dot net
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Liz M. said...
my fav item is this planet wise sports bag in OWLS print! I love it!!!
lizsamples at live dot com
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hhkaufman78 said...
I love all the wetbags
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Jenny said...
I like the reusable snack bag in Lime Cocoa.
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Attila & Tamara said...
I love the bumGenius 4.0 One Size Pocket Diaper!
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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Brittney Minor said...
I would like to try the Planet Wise Reusable Window Bag
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dailymom said...
I like the best bottom diapers at diaper safari
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Amanda said...
I love the Little-to-Big Beetle Organic Velour Fitted Diaper and the Kissaluvs Wool Diaper Cover.
tvpg at aol dot com
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Allison said...
i like the planet wise reusable sandwich wraps and snack bags
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damiesmom said...
i like the babykicks hemparoo inserts
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crystletellerday said...
training pants in magic dragon print
jenv said...
I like the JJ Cole Technique Diaper Bag. Thanks! jenalber @ hotmail dot com
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ticklemetiffy said...
I want to try a Babykicks or Rumparoos so badly!!!
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Brittney Minor said...
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Unknown said...
I love the PlanetWise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag! Favorite CD Accessory!
I also love Fuzzibunz Perfect Fits!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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jakiesmom said...
i like the thirsties fab wipes
nannypanpan at
jakiesmom said...
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Brittney Minor said...
Daily Tweet!/brittleby/status/109396201203437568
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Liz M. said...
lizsamples at live dot com
Sissy said...
The Best Bottom Diapers.
Sissy said...
Oops - forgot email. scrane @ videotron . ca (Best Bottom Diapers)
Anonymous said...
I like the grovia newborn aios.
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Gladys Parker said...
Bum Genious 4.0 all in one diaper
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
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Anonymous said...
I LOVE the reusable sandwich bags, reusable snack bags, & reusable window snack bags!
Allison said...
my fav item is the kissaluvs fitted. allison_barnes AT shaw DOT ca
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Liz M. said...
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hhkaufman78 said...
I tweeted hmhkaufman
ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com
E. Diane said...
Kissaluvs Antibacterial Diaper Pail Liner is also really cool. I can't wait to use all the fluff again ^_^ !
Me_Juliet AT hotmail DOT com
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Andrea S said...
My favorite item is the Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag :-)
beth said...
Doorknob diaper pail
beth said...
Doorknob diaper pail
Unknown said...
The Swim/Diaper Bag is super cute! I like it in Black Curly Q.
Brittney said...
JJ Cole Technique Diaper Bag
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
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Liz M. said...
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Brittney Minor said...
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
Retro ReDesign said...
WOW - they have so many products to choose from.
I would pick the Planet Wise diaper pail liner in avocado
larajarrette at gmail dot com
Retro ReDesign said...
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larajarrette at gmail dot com
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larajarrette at gmail dot com
Klemm Family said...
My fav is the Happy Heinys OS pocket diaper
skklemm at gmail dot com
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Brittney Minor said...
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
jenbsweeps said...
JJ Cole diaper and wipes pod looks super helpful!
Anonymous said...
Love the Planet Wise Wet Bags - they look so useful to keep in the diaper bag!
korenstein (at) comcast (dot) net
Brittney Minor said...
babybensmama at yahoo dot com
skgaff said...
I love the bravado bliss nursing bra!
glass.stephanie @ gmail dot com
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erma said...
I like the Best Bottom Diapers.
Kathy said...
My favorite item is the Mode Tote Bag diaper bag in Mulberry Patch... beautiful and functional!
winterwrens at gmail dot com
bendoppsw said...
My wife liked the best bottom diapers.
Heather W said...
I like the thirsties fab wipes
Lovefool827 (at) yahoo (dotcom)
degood said...
My favorite item is the JJ Cole Mode Tote bag in the midnight dahlia print.
degood said...
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Kathy P said...
i like the blue fish Imse Vimse Swim Diapers
Kathy P said...
google friend klp1965 **** kathypease(at)gmail(dot)com
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Liz M. said...
lizsamples at live dot com
barb hunt said...
Thanks for the great contest!
Tylerpants said...
I like the ERGObaby Organic Petunia Pickle Bottom Carrier. tylerpants(at)
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trixx said...
My favorite is the Imse Vimse Tankini Top! peanut at nyc dot rr dot com
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Unknown said...
My favorite item is the JJ Cole System 180 Diaper Bag!
natashagt (at) live (dot) com
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