We have recently started cloth diapering Avery again. I'm so happy that I'm not buying disposables anymore. I needed something to hold the diapers in. Before I just threw them in the washer, well it got stinky. I needed a bag. In came Planet Wise
I received the Wet/Dry bag in River Rock and I love it!!
This front pocket section is the dry area. You can put clean diapers in it or clean clothes for going to the pool or whatever. The wet section is at the very top and the pocket falls behind the front one. It has a waterproof layer so wet clothes won't get the dry clothes wet. It is made of PUL which is the same material as a waterproof diaper.
I love this bag and I can get about 6 diapers and inserts in it, just scrunched in not nicely put. I could probably get 8 in there if I laid them nicely.
I love that when I turn it upside down and hold it by that little tag, not only does everything fall out, but so does the liner making it inside out. It is great for washing. You wash and dry these like you do your diapers. Perfectly safe in the dryer.
They come in so many different prints!
So many great fabrics to choose from.
Price: This particular bag is about $20 depending where you buy it from. Not a bad price at all. It will last you're little ones diaper life and probably more than one child as well. It's a quick cheap one time investment.
Overall: *****
*Disclaimer* I received these products directly from the Company for Review. I was not paid to try out these products!*

khaymax said...
I like the Hanging wet/dry bag. I would choose the Mocha Sunrise pattern.
khaymax at hotmail dot com
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Madeline said...
I didn't realize there were two different sections in this bag. I would get the art deco pattern.
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I blogged about the giveaway: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2010/07/planet-wise-wetdry-bag-giveaway.html
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orangefukurou said...
Planet Wise Products are all PVC-free and lead-free!
I would choose the Green Meadow Print
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littlelatina said...
Bangle dots is just so pretty
Ryan Family said...
the art deco print it fab!
Lisa said...
I learned that the company is owned by a husband and wife team, and I would choose the Sage bag.
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Melissa said...
I learned that there's 2 parts in this bag!!
Melissa said...
I would pick the pink swirl. and i learned that theere is 2 different parts to this bag!
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Unknown said...
I learned that they chose as many USA-made materials as possible.
I would pick midnight curl if I won
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justine mc d i l d a
mogrill said...
I would pick pink swirl and I learned it is owned by a husband and wife team.
Thanks for the chance.
Bev said...
Winner of the iParenting Media Award
Feista Pattern
bevwhip at yahoo dot com
Katie S said...
I visited the Planet Wise website and learned that they are coming out with Training pants soon. Awesome! I'm excited to see what they are like, as I will need some training pants for my son in the not-so-distant future. Also, I like the "Fiesta" print best. Thanks!
katiekstewart @ gmail dot com
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scriswell said...
I learned that the bags have two sections- one for wet, one for dry. Perfect! The Outer Space is my favorite.
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Anonymous said...
I think it's awesome that Planet wise is run by a husband and wife! I did not know that! I like the dot tastic pattern
pgrousselle at frontier dot com
Katrina said...
I would choose dot tastic and I kearned that they will have training pants soon...I will need those!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
bison61 said...
one retailer close to me is peapods natural toys & baby care and I like the mocha sunrise
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo dot com
Jenn S. said...
I learned that there are 9 retailers in Texas. I would choose the Blue Mod pattern.
Laurie said...
I learned that there is a water proof layer. I would select the black curly q design.
Unknown said...
They use a lead-free and locking zipper. I would choose the green meadow print.
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susan said...
I learned that they'll have training pants available soon and I love the Mocha Sunrise pattern.
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Ashley R said...
I learned that all their products are PVC-free and lead-free!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
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Bao said...
I learned that training pants will soon be available for purchase! And I'd like the Taxi pattern :)
giabao.ng @ gmail dot com
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Joel said...
There are 2 pockets inside the bag. One for dry, one for wet. That's great. I would choose the Geometric Studio.
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Donna said...
I learned they earned an iparenting media award. I would pick the purple honeycomb.
cman said...
A husband and wife own the company.
Aqua Ambience
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